Post Science

Making Tasmanian devils less Tasmanian

Thousands of years ago, Tasmanian devils roamed the mainland. Now a group of scientists argue we should re-introduce them — to help combat cats and foxes that are killing Australia’s smaller marsupials. But is it that simple? – The Science Show – ABC Radio National

Design Science

Fossil poo contains evidence Tassie devils could be returned to the Australian mainland

More than 3,000 years after the predator disappeared off the mainland, evidence of how it co-existed with other animals has been unearthed in its fossilised poo.

Design Post Science

Could Tassie devils help control feral cats on the mainland? Fossils say yes

The Tasmanian devil – despite its name – once roamed the mainland of Australia. Returning the devil to the mainland may not only help its threatened status but could help control invasive predators such as feral cats and foxes. The idea of returning devils to the mainland has been raised before.

Appreciate Design Post Science

RAW is a project by Density Design Lab

RAW. The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics. Convey intricate, detailed data in a beautiful and interesting format…

Appreciate Crafty Projectiles Science

Landshare Australia

Landshare began in the UK, launched through the River Cottage TV show, and has since grown into a thriving community of more than 57,000 growers, sharers and helpers across the country…

Crafty Design Science

Colour Blind Design

Considering those who are colour blind when designing, can be overlooked in the blink of an eye. Color Oracle is a fab tool…

Design Science

Hundreds of Exoplanets, A Handful Right for Life?

Great piece of interactive data visualisation in this National Geographic Daily News article on habitable planets…

Design Science | Carlo Zapponi

Superb collection of data visualisation tools. Interactive and variable. Discover, observe and learn. Bolides is the current fav…